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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Development of Human Robot Interaction

BOSTON - It's time for people to re-examine their relationship with the machine and its impact before it's too late, says a leading researcher on Friday, February 15th and the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
People are more and more often looking for toys and robotic equipment to be friends and tend to be less attentive to others, says Sherry Turkle, professor of social science study programs and technology at MIT.
Innovations such as Siri, Apple's iPhone digital assistant, makes people become increasingly dependent on machines, says Sherry, and imagine a future when robots become advanced enough to work as a teacher for children and caregivers for seniors.
"The idea of ​​an artificial companion has become a new thing that is considered reasonable," said Sherry.
"Children play with robotic pets and become familiar with the computer game. I feel a new life that is considered reasonable to have an impact. To make a new artificial companion be fair, we must change ourselves and during the process, we reorder the human values ​​and human relationships. "
Robot dogs and caregiversSherry studied human feelings and thoughts about the robot and he found a culture change for some time. Research done in the 1980s and 1990s showed, the relationship of love and friendship only happen between people, but now many people who say that robots could also fill that role.
For example, Sherry has studied Paro, a robot baby dogs were used as elderly friend who had dementia or depression. It appears that the technology is progressing rapidly. There was a woman who experienced adversity talking to Paro and feel comfortable.
Experts say that in the future, robots could be a good caregiver for the elderly, because the robot can be programmed with high patience and will not commit acts of harassment, incompetent or lie.
But Sherry is concerned that it can replace the role of the human caregiver with robots.
"We showed a bit of attention to what the parents are saying. We even make a machine that literally makes the story of the parents to be heard by the machine. "
Friends of childhoodInstead, children are increasingly being playing with electronic toys and robotics. Many of those who had previously played with such digital pet Tamagotchi in the 1990's and later named Aibo robotic dog, who need care and make children keep and care for the toy.
Some children said that they would prefer a "pet" is compared to dogs and cats can be real old and die.
"People before buying a pet to teach about life and death for their children," said Sherry. "Now we teach children that living a real risk while the robot is safe."
Sherry interviewed a teenager in 1983, asked him who he would talk about the issue of romance. The boy replied that he would speak to his father, not a robot, because the machine will not be able to understand human relationships.
In 2008, Sherry interviewed children of the same age, from the same neighborhood as the previous interview. This time, the boy replied that he preferred to talk to the robot, which is programmed with a lot of knowledge about the various patterns of data relationships, rather than talking to his father, who could have given bad advice.
"Over the past 25 years of human failure worse, than the previous one has a sense of affection and a bond has become desensitized," says Sherry. "To me the most important thing to do children and adults is to learn to be close and trusting others. We forget important things about caring and conversations that only happens between people. "
Robotic MomentIn a number of interviews with people of different ages and backgrounds, Sherry finds that today many of us who fantasize about a robot that could be a friend, who always listened to us, never angry or upset.
"What we talk about when we talk about robots? That is, we talk about the fear of others, "he said. "Disappointment us against each other. Lack of our social relationships. Lack of our time. "
Although robots have not so advanced to be a friend of our illusions, but that era will not be long.
"Right now we are in a moment of robotics," said Sherry. "Not because we have created a robot that can become our partner, but because we were ready to be their partner."
It is time, he said, to pull back a step and consider how and when we want to let the machines into our lives and when we had to turn them.

 source;Perkembangan Interaksi Manusia dan Robot

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