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Monday, February 18, 2013

PlayStation 4 could for Streaming Games?

Ghiboo.com; Cloud gaming technology, may be a technology that will be used in Sony's new PlayStation 4 console. 
This is evident from Sony step in acquiring cloud-gaming company, Gaikai, last year.
 According to the Wall Street Journal, Sony's latest gaming console that may be announced on Wednesday (20/02) at an event in Manhattan, United States of America will feature a game that is accessible via internet streaming.

 Gakai, as cloud service providers, creating a data center which is designed to play many modern games via streaming.

 This is the reason analysts predicted that the PlayStation 4 will have the base game through streaming media.
 According to some analysts, the streaming game system makes piracy will be a tough game.
 In addition, the steps taken by Sony is useful to enhance PlayStation games are categorized by weight, in order to outperform the simple games are often played through a smartphone or tablet.

 However, no definite assurance given by Sony on this matter, according to the rumor that the PlayStation 4 will still use optical media as the storage game.

Hopefully this info is useful to you.
Thanks for your visiting this blog.

  source; Bisa Streaming Game di PlayStation 4?

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